Bieber-source: ”It all went hysterical”

Publicerad 2013-04-25

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Details about the drug bust and how the popstar's crew acted backstage

The drug bust caused panic backstage.

Aftonbladet can exclusively reveal details about the chaos in Justin Bieber's crew.

”It all went hysterical and everybody was told to get out”, a source close to the crew tells us.

Swedish police raided Justin Bieber's tour bus ahead of the popstar's third gig in Stockholm Globe Arena Wednesday night.

In the bust they confiscated a small amount of alleged narcotics believed to be marijuana. Police also confiscated an electroshock weapon, a stun gun, that wasn’t licensed.

Chaos backstage

When Justin Bieber's crew was made aware of the bust chaos erupted backstage, a source close the crew exclusively reveals to Aftonbladet.

"People in Justin's crew ran around into all the dancers' dressing rooms. They threw the doors open and yelled 'no weed' and 'oh shit, the stash'. That got everyone going".

According to the source bags and boxes quickly were moved into Justin Bieber's private dressing room where only Bieber himself and his closest staff were allowed in.

Ordered to act dumb

Everyone working backstage were ordered to "act dumb" had the police demanded access to Biebers dressing room. The star himself kept a low profile backstage all trough the evening.

Our source tells us:

”You hardly noticed him and there was a weird silence in his presence. You could immediately see that something had happened. He kept a very low profile.”

After the gig Justin Bieber took to the back entrance to immediately leave the arena:

”It all went hysterical and everybody was told to get out. They wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible and Justin was the first to leave” our source tells us.

”Justin was the first to leave”

All the luggage, cases and bags were allegedly brought into a different dressing room and then the crew started to load it all into buses at the back entrence of the Globe Arena. The first bus to leave the arena did so 15 minutes after the gig ended.

According to our source police never entered the backstage area since that requires a warrant:

”They can of course use their badges to enter backstage, but that wouldn't allow them into the dressing rooms. To not come backstage was probably a big mistake by the police.”

AFTONBLADET BREAKING NEWS: Swedish police found drugs in Justin Bieber's tour bus


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