Amerikansk IS-gisslan död

Uppdaterad 2015-08-16 | Publicerad 2015-02-10

Kayla Mueller, 26, har suttit som gisslan hos IS sedan 2013.

I dag bekräftade hennes familj att hon är död.

– Kayla var en medkännande och hängiven humanist. Hon vigde hela sitt unga liv åt att hjälpa dem som behöver frihet, rättvisa och fred, skriver familjen i ett uttalande enligt NBC News.

Kayla Mueller, 26, kidnappades i augusti 2013 när hon lämnade ett sjukhus i Aleppo, Syrien. Hon befann sig i landet för att hjälpa flyktingar. Enligt USA togs hon som gisslan av terrorgruppen IS - men IS har aldrig bekräftat uppgifterna.

Så sent som i fredags meddelade IS att Mueller dött i samband med att ett jordanskt stridsflyg bombat en byggnad i Raqqa, där hon hölls fången. Det var första gången IS erkände att hon satt som gisslan.

Samma dag släppte Kayla Muellers familj ett uttalande där de vädjade direkt till terrorgruppen att släppa henne:

"Den här nyheten gör oss oroliga, men vi har fortfarande hoppet kvar att hon är vid liv. Vi har skickat privata meddelande och bett er att svara. Vi vet att ni har läst vår tidigare kommunikation".

Obama: Kommer hitta de skyldiga

I dag gav amerikanska FBI hennes familj beskedet att hon inte längre lever, skriver Washington Post. Amerikanska myndigheter har inte gått ut med någon dödsorsak. Men jordanska myndigheter är skeptiska till uppgiften att hon dött i ett flyganfall.

Kayla Muellers familj skriver i ett uttalande:

– Vi är forkrossade över att vi nu fått bekräftat att Kayla Jean Mueller har gått bort.

Barack Obama har framfört sina kondoleanser till hennes anhöriga.

– Oavsett hur lång tid det tar kommer USA att hitta och ställa terroristerna som är ansvariga för Kaylas död inför rätta, säger han i ett uttalande.

Hennes brev till familjen (ENGELSKA)

"Everyone, If you are receiving this letter it means I am still detained but my cell mates (starting from 11/2/2014) have been released. I have asked them to contact you + send you this letter.

"It's hard to know what to say. Please know that I am in a safe location, comple4ly unharmed + healthy (put on weight in fact); I have been treated w/ the utmost respect + kindness. I wanted to write you all a well thought out letter (but I didn't know if my cell mates would be leaving in the coming days or the coming months restricting my time but primarily) I could only but write the letter a paragraph at a time, just the thought of you all sends me into a fit of tears.

"If you could say I have 'suffered' at all throughout this whole experience it is only in knowing how much suffering I have put you all through; I will never ask you to forgive me as I do not deserve forgiveness.

"I remember mom always telling me that all in all in the end the only one you really have is God. I have come to a place in experience where, in every sense of the word, I have surrendered myself to our creator b/c literally there was no else.... + by God + by your prayers I have felt tenderly cradled in freefall.

"I have been shown in darkness, light + have learned that even in prison, one can be free.

"I am grateful I have come to see that there is good in every situation, sometimes we just have to look for it I pray each each day that if nothing else, you have felt a certain closeness + surrender to God as well + have formed a bond of love + support amongst one another...

"I miss you all as if it has been a decade of forced separation. I have had many a long hour to think, to think of all the things I will do w/ Lex, our first family camping trip, the first meeting @ the airport I have had many hours to think how only in your absence have I finally @ 25 years old come to realize your place in my life.

The gift that is each one of you + the person I could + could not be if you were not a part of my life, my family, my support I DO NOT want the negotiations for my release to be your duty, if there is any other option take it, even if it takes more time.

"This should never have become your burden. I have asked these women to support you; please seek their advice. If you have not done so already, [REDACTED] can contact [REDACTED] who may have a certain level of experience with these people. None of us could have known it would be this long but know I am also fighting from my side in the ways I am able + I have a lot of fight left inside of me.

"I am not breaking down + I will not give in no matter how long it takes. I wrote a song some months ago that says, 'The part of me that pains the most also gets me out of bed, w/out your hope there would be nothing left...' aka-The thought of your pain is the source of my own, simultaneously the hope of our reunion is the source of my strength. Please be patient give your pain to God. I know you would want me to remain strong. That is exactly what I am doing. Do not fear for me, continue to pray as will I + by God's will we will be together soon.

"All my everything,
